
The donkeys and theirs foals

 Sidonie, Diamant's mother …     Vanille, Dundee's mother     
Victoire, Darjeeling's mother


They are some of Ferme du Hitton et de l’Asinerie du Haut-Astarac's donkeys, our organic milk suppliers, basis of our cosmetics.

 Milk quality comes from the donkeys living conditions, the feed, the milking system and its conservation.

The asses are raised in the open air with a natural feed and  a two-year reproductive cycle then a year rest. puis une année de repos.The mothers-calves relationships 

Mothers relationships with their calves are preserved and days without milking  are practiced regularly

Milk by hand is Preserved by deep freezing.

Some baby donkeys will be sell to interested amateurs or to professionnals, but in no case they are destinated to food applications. 



It starts only from the third months of breastfeeding, when the colt begins his food diversification.
For the ass gives her milk, she should always be able to see his little and because the nature is very well done, it keeps enough milk for her foal.
But this is only feasible with hand milking of course!
So it is with the greatest respect for the animal that the precious donkey milk is collected, keeping all its qualities.

The preservation

How milk is kept after milking ?


There are 3 types of preservation: freeze drying, freezing and deep-freezing.

We have chosen the deep-freezing method to preserve and transport the milk in the best conditions.

This procedure allows a core cooling milk  at a very low temperature (-30 à – 50°C) then milking has been completed, thus when the milk is still warm.

That is why the vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved and will be not damaged during producing.